You can now add tables to your bot!
Here is an example of a basic table created using Automio:
Follow the steps below to create your own tables.
1. Create your Table
Select the table point to add a new table to your document. This is where you can choose the settings for your table...
2. Add a Table Row
Label your row whatever you want (this is for your reference only).
You can choose whether you want the row to inherit the background and text colour that was set in the table OR you can choose a different back ground and text colour for the row.
3. Add Table Cells
Once you have added a row you can add table cells. This is where your text goes.
However many cells you make in a row is how many columns there will be.
Label your cell whatever you want (this is for your reference only).
You can choose whether you want the cell to inherit the background and text colour that was set in the table or row OR you can choose a different background and text colour for the cell.
You can also choose the alignment of the cell contents to be either top, centre or bottom.
Table cells can be easily converted into other type (paragraph, section, text) output points and vice versa, using the 'Output Type' option.ย
This is an example of what a table with 1 row and 2 columns will look like.ย
To add more rows, follow these steps:
Add another Table row point
Add two Table cells points
This will result in a table with 2 rows and 2 columns.
Some quick tips and tricks to get tables right:
Remember, Table cell points will not work in isolation of the Table and Table Row points.
Multiple tables can be added in a flow.
If a new Table sequence is created just after an already existing Table, this will cause the two tables to merge.
Go forth and create beautiful tables in your flow!
As always please contact us if you have any questions.