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Put your client to work by adding Tasks after your bot is completed
Put your client to work by adding Tasks after your bot is completed

Learn how to utilise Tasks in your bot to provide guidance on the next steps to solving your client's problems

Written by Kate Nikitina
Updated over 4 years ago

The interview and document is often only part of the journey you take your client on when providing your solution.

With Task point's you can indicate the next steps to your client and allow them to begin working on them without needing to manually prompt them.

Task Types

A simple Task that allows you to add a summary and when clicked is marked as completed.

A Task that allows you to provide a phone number, when clicked it will prompt the client to call you and mark the Task as complete.

A Task that allows you to provide an email address, when clicked it will prompt the client to email you and mark the Task as complete.

A Task that when clicked allows the client to upload a file to Automio. Once uploaded the Task is marked as complete.

A Task that allows you to provide a URL to a webpage you would like the client to read or provide action on.

A Task that allows you to provide a URL to a webpage you would like the client to watch a video on.

Allows you to provide access to another bot for them to start or purchase. To do this, copy the UUID for the bot and enter it in the Task options, the UUID is the alphanumeric characters after dashboard in the URL:

Task Options

There are a few options on a Task to help you relay the correct information.

Set the number of days that you would recommend the client have to complete this task. It sets up a due date to indicate this to them.

Staff Only
This is currently a feature in progress, with this Task users can see the information but are unable to complete it. It's great to be able to show the parts of your process you will be doing.

Mark the task as complete from the start to indicate work the client or you may have done.

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